Worship Warship – A Prophetic Dream

A few months ago I had a dream that I was sitting in a chair on the deck of an aircraft carrier. I had a cordless microphone in my hand. As I sat there, President Trump came jogging toward me. He was wearing running shorts, a t-shirt topped with a light jacket, running shoes and a baseball cap. He had a very small entourage running with him.

I heard Holy Spirit say,

“The warship is worship.”

He approached me and asked me for the microphone. I handed it to him. I remained seated as he stepped around me and stood just behind me to my right. He raised the mic to his lips and began to pray in tongues. While I could not understand what he was saying, I knew in my spirit that he was praying and prophesying over this nation. When he finished he handed the microphone back to me, thanked me and went on his way.

As I prayed into the meaning of this dream, I heard Holy Spirit say, “The warship is worship.” An aircraft carrier launches war planes into battle. Pilots are able to see the battlefield from a perspective not available to ground troops. They release missiles that can take out enemy targets from above. As we release strategic worship into the atmosphere, it becomes a powerful weapon with which enemy targets are taken out. Prophetic and intercessory worship is like heat-seeking missiles with laser accuracy going into enemy territory, disrupting communication, wiping out resources and causing deep destruction.

An aircraft carrier is also the mobile base to which the war planes return to refuel, undergo any necessary repairs and maintenance and are re-armed for their next mission. It is the secret place where we reside between our missions – that intimate place with Jesus where we refuel, let Him perform needed maintenance on our hearts and are re-equipped for the next invasion.

As for President Trump, he was with a very small entourage. This is his most inner circle of trusted advisers. They were the only ones allowed to run with him, remaining close by him at all times.

I believe that the message of this dream is clear. President Trump is running the race the Lord has placed before him. As we pray for him during this season, we must also pray for his most trusted advisers, the men and women who have his ear. While the enemy was unable to remove him from office, I believe he has tried/will try to infiltrate the ranks of his inner circle and muddy the waters. We must decree and declare that this will not happen and that our President will, indeed, fulfill every single purpose and assignment the Lord has written on his scroll. I believe that his praying in tongues was indicative of him speaking and declaring the word of the Lord over this nation when he wasn’t even fully aware of what he was saying.

Worship is one of our most powerful weapons in this war. Our worship released into the atmosphere will take out strategic enemy strongholds. Right now, worship is going up all across the nation and around the world from living rooms, parking lots, front porches, back yards and other unlikely places. This must continue. The David’s are coming up out the pasture and taking their place on the battlefield. With a harp in one hand and a sword in the other, these unlikely warriors who have been honing their gift in the Father’s pastures are being released onto the battlefield as Judah led the house of Israel into war. Their weapons are instruments and voices that cry out in worship to the King of Kings. The song of the Lord is being released in the land. Strongholds will come down. The enemy’s agendas will be shut down. The King of Glory is approaching. Lift up your heads, oh you gates! Be lifted up, you ancient doors! King Jesus is coming in!