What others are saying …

The word “worship” has come to mean different things to different people, organizations, ministries, academics, individual and corporate celebrations. In John 4 we find that Jesus clears up the traditional misunderstanding of the woman at the well about real worship. The same misunderstanding exists today. Worship, Jesus revealed to her, is not defined by being on this “mountain” or that “mountain”. At his “time” of year or that “time” of year. Worship is not defined by time and place. Performance. But by Spirit and truth. Relationship. In the heart of the individual inspired by the Spirit and truth. And if two or more are present, they can fellowship with one another in, with and by the spirit and truth. Any time. Any place. Because the origin of worship is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Rachael knows this. And lives this. And is favored by the Lord to gently lead others to the peaceful still waters of true worship restoring the soul.
Don Bebee, ThD | Kingdom Educator | Lubbock, TX

Rachael Wilkins is a diamond hewn from divinely orchestrated pressures of life. From afar I have seen her walk out intense circumstances that would have caused others to falter whose heart did not trust in the goodness of the Father’s heart. These were tests designed to allow Rachael to radiate His splendor all the more. She passed, splendidly.
However, what has impressed me the most about this precious saint is not the intimate, anointed worship she leads from a deep place in the Father’s heart or the words she writes that glitter with the hope, faith, and love of Christ; rather, it is the selflessness I have observed when in her presence. Rachael seeks to serve others with grace and humility out of her simple devotion unto Christ. Like a diamond, she sparkles the light and glory of Christ.
Brian Francis Hume | Itinerant Prophetic Minister | Haymarket, VA

When Rachael worships, it releases an atmosphere of God’s peace and presence.”
Bethany Martin | Heart of Texas House of Prayer | Georgetown, TX

Rachael has been reliable and loyal to the church family bringing praise and worship leadership to us.
Buddy S. | Cedar Park, TX

A few years ago, I enjoyed “worship” for the first time. Oh, I had been to church, sang songs from the hymnal, enjoyed what we called “special music”. But I didn’t think of it as worship. To me it was entertainment more or less. My early experiences with true worship often involved Rachael at the keyboard, and from her I learned the difference. She told me the term “audience of one.” It isn’t a just a term to her, it is a lifestyle. From her I learned that this is a time, not to be entertained, but to go into the secret place with your King. Be with Him, and only Him. That is what I witnessed her doing, and that is what I did. And soon, it became automatic. She engaged the keyboard, and I went to a different realm, in the glory and grace ushered in with that smooth beautiful sound flowing from her fingers and her voice. For that experience and lesson I am eternally grateful.
Debra Taylor | A Ministry of Healing |Hutto, TX

Worshiping God with my daughters was a huge part of our lives together. We led worship in a church for around ten years, from their teens till the time they left for college and moved away. One of my daughters still is a worship pastor and my other daughter passed away to live with Jesus four years ago. After her passing, I couldn’t even listen to praise and worship, much less sing it for at least two years. Then Rachael invited me to sing with her for an event, and somehow I knew I could. After that involvement with her and her anointing, I was broken loose to listen and participate in worship again. A wonderful healing manifested and freedom came. Thank you, Rachael, for your sensitivity to Him and for sharing your relationship with Him. The anointing breaks the yoke, and it takes sacrifice to develop it. It made a difference in my life for sure and a difference in those I influence. Thank you.
Karen W. | Temple, TX