A few months ago I had a dream that I was sitting in a chair on the deck of an aircraft carrier. I had a cordless microphone in my hand. As I sat there, President Trump came jogging toward me. He was wearing running shorts, a t-shirt topped with a […]
Fire on the Altar | March 4, 2012 Fifty hours of non-stop worship and intercession. Thousands of participants. It is the reality that prevailed in Austin this weekend. And I was there, even if but for a few brief hours. I entered a filled sanctuary and found a spot in […]
In the summer of 2002, my husband and I moved from Austin, Texas to Fort Smith, Arkansas. It was a job transfer that brought us here, but it was the Lord who led us here. One of the first things we did was to begin searching for a church home. […]
Music from the Heart: Welcome To Our World by Michael W. Smith It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly a month since I last posted. Needless to say the past several weeks have been crazy busy, which is why I have had little time so sit down long enough to […]
I’ve stated in prior posts that I often wake up in the morning with a song in my spirit. This morning, it was the old hymn, “In The Garden.” In April of 1912, hymn-writer C. Austin Miles was alone in the dark room where he kept his photographic equipment and […]
Music from the Heart: Amazed by The Desperation Band Lately I feel like my head is going in more directions than it was ever intended to. The challenge is to keep my heart from doing the same. There is a ceasless flow of things, people and situations that compete for […]
In the spirit of keeping things simple and getting back to basics, I am not writing a new post this morning. Rather, I am sharing with you something I wrote a couple of months ago. The following a is a brief article I wrote for our worship team’s newsletter over […]