I have a Joyce Meyer perpetual calendar on my desk in my home office. As I glanced over to see what today’s little mini-devotional was about, I read the following words: Hurting people hurt people. This is a true statement. When we are hurting, it is much easier for us […]
New Beginnings
I read somewhere recently that trust and understanding rarely accompany one another. Truer words were never spoken. It seems recently that as I begin to engage in this next chapter of my life, the more I am learning to trust and the less I understand. The simple but deep revelation […]
After what seems like an eternity, I am finally sitting down to write again. Not that there has been any lack of material to write about. It’s just that sometimes life necessitates that we focus more of our attention on living it than writing about it. Such has been this […]
Music from the Heart: More of Jesus by Mylon LeFevre & Broken Heart We are created for more. More glory, more greatness, more of the the manifest presence of God in every moment in which we draw breath. Why, then, do I so often feel like I am waiting for […]
Spring has sprung. Okay, maybe not officially yet, but close enough. The official first day of Spring is two days away, and I’m already basking in the glory of the very idea of all the fabulous promise that is unique to this time of year. This has already been a […]
It’s February already. I’m not quite sure how it sneaked up on me like this, but it did. I feel as though January was for me part crazy busy productivity and part quiet retreat, somehow all at the same time. I’m not quite sure how that happened either, but I […]
Yesterday a prayer was answered. It happened during the message at church. Our pastor was sharing on … truthfully I don’t recall all of it. There were two words he uttered that ignited something inside me. As he continued his message, I began to tune out, only half-listening. Okay, there […]
The following is n excerpt from my journal, dated Sunday, January 4, 2009. I am being consistently reminded these days of the need to simplify my life and my surroundings. Here is a little peek into my world … Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning the bedroom. It […]
This month, our church is corporately encouraging its members to identify those things that have hindered our relationship and time with God and set them aside in pursuit of reconnecting with our First Love. Each individual is left to personally identify what that thing or what those things are and […]