Not on Our Watch!

On August 12, 2024, I woke up during the night hearing this in my spirit. It was not really a dream, as I did not see anything or anyone. I just heard it as though I were overhearing a conversation: 

“We believe this is why everyone turned out in droves. The prophetic alert went out and the people rose up and said, ‘Not on our watch!’ And together we shut it down. Many are saying, ‘What will Kamala Harris do now?’ This campaign was over before it started.”

I believe that what I heard was less about encouraging people to turn out in droves at the polls, and more about a much deeper individual call to action. It’s less about numbers and more about the declaration of, “Not on our watch!” When David faced Goliath, he did not approach with a large arsenal of impressive weapons or thousands of soldiers at his side. He came alone with a slingshot, five stones and the valor of a young man who knew that his battle was not against flesh and blood. He came on assignment in the name of the Lord and a resounding victory was handed to him and the nation of Israel that day.

The encouragement here is to not wait for the masses to gather under a common banner before you step onto the battlefield. When you hear the voice of the Lord issuing a prophetic alert, the next question should be, “Father, what is my assignment here?” Your course of action is simple. Listen. Hear. Obey.

When the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt in the book of Nehemiah, every man worked on the section in front of his own house. You might say they turned out in droves, but each man tended to his own portion, and the wall was rebuilt in record time. Together, they shut down the ability of their enemies to come in and raid the city. There was unity in spirit, but individual valor translated into a larger victory than any one could have accomplished on their own.

Ultimately, when Yahweh issues a prophetic alert, it is a call to lean into Him and hear His heart on the matter. It is a call to pray His heart, plans and purposes into the situation. It is a call for us, His legislative body in the earth (the ekklesia), to declare His heart and word over the matter and to decree a return to His original intent. In doing this, we can reverse the course of things. We can shut down the plans of the enemy simply by coming into full agreement with the Lord’s plans and purposes and aligning our thoughts,words and actions with His.

With that said, let me add one more thing … not every “prophetic” word you are hearing right now is from the Lord. Every word is subject to the word and Spirit of Yahweh.There are a lot of voices out there proclaiming things that do little more than ignite fear and anxiety in the hearts of the hearers. Please be reminded that (1) God is love, (2) there is no fear in love and (3) Yeshua instructed us to be anxious for nothing. Do not listen to the countless voices of fear, doom, gloom, hopelessness and such things. This is the propaganda of the lying spirits operating through the media and, unfortunately, through too any pulpits. DO NOT LISTEN! Press in your Heavenly Father’s heart and hear HIS voice. Bring your heart, mind, mouth and household into alignment with HIS plans and purposes for this nation and the world. The ekklesia that Yeshua is building is one of valor and courage to listen and obey. And the gates of hell will not prevail.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.” (Luke 10:19)