Music from the Heart: The Heart of Worship by Matt Redman Courtesy of an unusually crazy schedule the last few weeks, David and I have been missing each other like two ships passing in the night. So with today (Sunday) being the only day in several and in the foreseeable […]
The Gospel According to Sheba
Enjoying a rare long weekend together, David and I took Sheba out on a little “mini adventure” the other day. David had no sooner grabbed her leash than she was waiting at the door, wagging her tail and ready to go. That dog loves to ride in the car. It […]
Tonight’s Music from the Heart: Selah – O, Draw Me Lord It’s late in the evening, and I’ve been sitting at the computer for a while now, catching up on some work that I brought home from the office. As usual when I am sitting here, Sheba is stretched out […]
Our dog, Sheba, is recovering from a flying leap she took from the back of my husband’s truck a few weeks ago. Her injuries, while not critical, were somewhat serious, requiring all four feet to be bandaged while the resulting wounds are healing – I’ll spare you the gory details. […]
Sheba is our dog. Her lineage is unknown, and there has been much debate as to her breed. We believe her to be part lab, but the other part(s) are the greatest subject of debate. We have been told that she carries the bloodline of everything from border collie (which […]