Day 17: Stretch Denim ‘Nuff said. Day 18: LaughterAt the risk of sounding a little self-focused, one of my favorite things about me is the fact that I am easily amused. I am somehow able to find the humor in most things (eventually), and a lot of things that slip […]
Music from the Heart: Faithful To The End by Hillsongs I am often overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of God. When I stop and take account of even some of the countless ways He has proven Himself faithful to me again and again, I cannot help but respond with […]
The following is n excerpt from my journal, dated Sunday, January 4, 2009. I am being consistently reminded these days of the need to simplify my life and my surroundings. Here is a little peek into my world … Yesterday I spent most of the day cleaning the bedroom. It […]
Tonight’s Music from the Heart: Josh Groban – I’ll Be Home For Christmas It’s Christmas Eve, and I’m at my brother’s house, awaiting the arrival of my nephew, Tyler, who has just been released from the hospital. He was admitted last week with a staph infection. The details aren’t important […]
It’s been ten days since my last post, and what a ten days it has been. Thanksgiving came and went, and we had a full table with friends from church who joined us for dinner. We ate too much, tried to justify it with a walk around the neighborhood, then […]
Tonight’s Music from the Heart: Rachael Lampa – Blessed With Thanksgiving being a week away, our thoughts are turned, naturally, to all the things that the holiday has come mean in our fast-paced modern culture; things like The Dinner (planning, shopping, cooking), travel, decorating, a few days off of work […]