Today I’m taking a break from my usual subject matter to share with you an article published this week in the Town Messenger in Hutto, Texas. Penned by Yours Truly, it is a true account of a recent experience I had involving my car, a camera, and a $75 ticket. […]
Tonight’s Music from the Heart: Kenny G – White Christmas It’s early December, and to celebrate the colder temperatures we are now experiencing, I played around a little with the camera this morning, donning woolly hat, gloves and scarf, all in an attempt to dress for the season.This evening I […]
It’s Friday evening, and I’ve been a little under the weather the last couple of days, courtesy of a freak sinus infection that slammed into my world yesterday like a flaming meteorite. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t quite as dramatic as all that, but it has certainly made an impact […]
Tonight I am feeling a bit introspective as I consider the fact that while time continues to march on, historically measured in years, decades & centuries, our lives are made up of moments. One by one they tiptoe past us, quietly becoming a part of our past just as swiftly […]
I’ve finally figured out how to create online photo albums using Picassa, and I have now posted my first two here for you to peruse. You’ll find the links under the heading “Pics” on the left side of the page under the post archive. Take a peek and let me […]