True confession: I am a planner. To a fault. I plan for all kinds of scenarios. When faced with almost any situation, I picture in my head how it might play out and I plan for how I will respond/react to that outcome. Then I pick another potential outcome and do […]
The following is an article published in The Town Messenger on December 21, 2010.Christmas. I love the word and I love the music. I love the sights, the sounds and the smells of this season. I love Christmas. I always have. What I’m not overly fond of is the insanity […]
“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalm 139: 17-18 These words and their meaning overtake me as they roll over in […]
Somehow the entire month of August slipped by me without my getting a chance to post. Anything. At all. Thanks to an insanely busy schedule these past few weeks as we have prepared for the start of the football season (we broadcast high school games, among other things – more […]
Sometimes I feel so close to Jesus that I can almost taste the sweetness in the air as His fragrance seems to permeate the air around me. Other times, I don’t feel Him quite so close, but must rely on the simple truth that He is faithful, and that even […]
I read somewhere recently that trust and understanding rarely accompany one another. Truer words were never spoken. It seems recently that as I begin to engage in this next chapter of my life, the more I am learning to trust and the less I understand. The simple but deep revelation […]
After what seems like an eternity, I am finally sitting down to write again. Not that there has been any lack of material to write about. It’s just that sometimes life necessitates that we focus more of our attention on living it than writing about it. Such has been this […]
Music from the Heart: Welcome To Our World by Michael W. Smith It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly a month since I last posted. Needless to say the past several weeks have been crazy busy, which is why I have had little time so sit down long enough to […]
I’ve stated in prior posts that I often wake up in the morning with a song in my spirit. This morning, it was the old hymn, “In The Garden.” In April of 1912, hymn-writer C. Austin Miles was alone in the dark room where he kept his photographic equipment and […]