Beautiful Music As a writer I am often inspired by daily life – those random, everyday moments that are suddenly and unexpectedly spotlighted by the Holy Spirit for the purpose of capturing my attention. I had such a moment last week. I was scrolling through TV channels and came across […]
Sometimes in the course of life, a word drops into my spirit. If I didn’t know any better, I would say it came from out of nowhere – but I know better. It is the voice of the Holy Spirit gently nudging me into a revelation. I have learned over […]
Several bodies have been found near water in the past several weeks in the Austin area – at least one a week. Another one was in the news this morning. I do not think this is a coincidence. Ezekiel 47 speaks of life-giving water flowing out from the sanctuary to […]
I recently saw a show on public television about a climber who was stuck on a mountain after an accident left him with a broken leg. Severely dehydrated, freezing, weak and exhausted, he slowly made his way down the mountain, mostly by sitting and dragging himself down – a process […]
From my journal dated 3.11.12 Sitting at a picnic table facing what used to be part of Lake Travis. What my eyes behold now is a dry riverbed with barren boat docks, the kind that used to be floating on top of several feet of water. Now they are merely […]
Fire on the Altar | March 4, 2012 Fifty hours of non-stop worship and intercession. Thousands of participants. It is the reality that prevailed in Austin this weekend. And I was there, even if but for a few brief hours. I entered a filled sanctuary and found a spot in […]
I love it when God grants His favor in unexpected ways, times and places. I am never sure why I am the recipient of it, but I am learning to stop questioning it and just bask in it. Last night, while leaving the home of my brother-in-law’s fiance, I took […]
One of my most treasured things is quiet moments. Quiet moments can happen anytime, in unexpected places and can bring with them little revelations and reminders of who I am and why I am here. Quiet moments sometimes happen on their own. Sometimes they need a little encouragement. Sometimes they […]
As I realize how much time has passed since I last posted, I am reminded of just how quickly life happens when we are looking the other way. The past few months have seen many changes, not the least of which is David and I being reunited in the same […]