Have you ever experienced being grounded by the Lord? A temporary halting of your normal routine so that He can take your face in His hands, look into your eyes and say, hear what I am saying to you!”? Maybe you are in that place right now. You’re in good […]
Today I received a phone call from my dear friend, Wendy, who lives in another state. She said, “I have a question for you.” She then proceeded to tell me about a family (a single mom with six children) who had been displaced over the weekend by a fire in […]
It is not uncommon for the things that God is saying and doing in the supernatural to manifest in the natural world around us. Another such occurrence happened to me this morning.One of the things that has been rumbling around in my spirit in recent weeks has been that it […]
Several bodies have been found near water in the past several weeks in the Austin area – at least one a week. Another one was in the news this morning. I do not think this is a coincidence. Ezekiel 47 speaks of life-giving water flowing out from the sanctuary to […]
People are talking – a lot. In the aftermath of the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold Obamacare (and the subsequent debates over the extension of Bush-era tax cuts), I have encountered several comments and conversations recently about the responsibility of working Americans to fund the lifestyles of those who […]
From my journal dated 3.11.12 Sitting at a picnic table facing what used to be part of Lake Travis. What my eyes behold now is a dry riverbed with barren boat docks, the kind that used to be floating on top of several feet of water. Now they are merely […]
I was awakened at 1:30 AM this morning with a dream. It was night time, and we were alerted to a fire in the neighborhood (not where we currently live, but in a neighborhood somewhere in Austin). We somehow had access to some kind of an emergency scanner, which let […]
One of my most treasured things is quiet moments. Quiet moments can happen anytime, in unexpected places and can bring with them little revelations and reminders of who I am and why I am here. Quiet moments sometimes happen on their own. Sometimes they need a little encouragement. Sometimes they […]
The last few days have been a new variety of crazy-busy as I am beginning to catch up on missed work while still determining which of our clothes and kitchen and personal items will be able to comfortably fit in our new little temporary digs – without cluttering things up. […]