Jesus is extending an invitation for us to come and bring to Him our cares, worries, stresses, burdens – all the things we think we have to carry – and hand them over to Him.
It is not uncommon for me to wake in the morning (or in the middle of the night) with a song in my spirit, and recently it has been Christmas songs that have been rolling around inside me as I stumble from slumber to the world of wakefulness. One tune […]
God’s ways are not like our ways, of this there is no doubt. The harder pill to swallow, however, is that His timing is usually not like ours, either. I think that we are impatient creatures by nature and that patience does not occur naturally. None of us is born […]
Sometimes I feel so close to Jesus that I can almost taste the sweetness in the air as His fragrance seems to permeate the air around me. Other times, I don’t feel Him quite so close, but must rely on the simple truth that He is faithful, and that even […]
Music from the Heart: Faithful To The End by Hillsongs I am often overwhelmed by the goodness and faithfulness of God. When I stop and take account of even some of the countless ways He has proven Himself faithful to me again and again, I cannot help but respond with […]
Music from the Heart: Speak to Me by Rebecca St. James Sometimes sleep escapes me. I can be physically wiped out and so ready for sleep I can almost taste it, but sleep and all its sweet, restorative powers can still slip through my fingers like water. Around 1 AM […]
“He restores my soul.” Close your eyes, take in a slow, deep breath and as you release it, let these four simple words sink deeply into your spirit. “He restores my soul.” My soul is the deepest part of me, that inner sanctuary where no one else will ever be […]
Music from the Heart: Restoration by David Brymer You know that feeling you get when something you have been really anxious about for a long time is suddenly and unexpectedly resolved? That sense of relief that is so powerful that it almost takes your breath away and brings you to […]
Music from the Heart: I Surrender All by Michael W. Smith I mentioned in a prior post that I am a confessed and recovering control freak. When I mentioned this earlier in the week to a close friend, her reply was “Recovering?” She was, of course, questioning this part of […]