Last night something happened to me that surprised me. David turned on the television to find the last few minutes of Sister Act 2 on the air. This is one of my favorite movies, and I didn’t really realize why until last night. If you’re not familiar with the movie, […]
Ministry Life
The River Fort Smith is an outreach church I have mentioned before. I am honored to serve alongside a team of gifted individuals from a variety of backgrounds, with a host of talents and giftings. The core leadership of this group happens to be all women. These are my co-laborers, […]
Hope. It’s a small word that carries enormous possibilities. Hope sees us through life’s darkest moments and promises us that tomorrow has the potential to be brighter and better. This weekend, the River held our first neighborhood missions outreach at a local apartment complex. The event was called HopeFest, and […]
The outreach ministry we have been a part of since we came to Fort Smith, Crossroads Outreach, is making a transition this summer to a full outreach church (a church within a church, we call it). Our new name is The River Fort Smith, and we are very excited about […]