In the summer of 2002, my husband and I moved from Austin, Texas to Fort Smith, Arkansas. It was a job transfer that brought us here, but it was the Lord who led us here. One of the first things we did was to begin searching for a church home. […]
Ministry Life
Music from the Heart: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield A few years ago, three friends and I (the core leadership team of what is now The River Fort Smith, an outreach church), felt a pressing need to get away for a few days to refresh, recharge, reconnect. So the four us […]
While leading worship last night at The River, the lyrics to one of the songs seemed to call to me, beckoning me to pause and examine them more closely. Too often we sit in church and sing songs with powerful words but our minds and spirits are not really connecting […]
Busy is as busy does. Okay, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but I needed a catchy opening line for this not so spectacular posting. I really just wanted to make available for your viewing pleasure a short video comprised of photos from this year’s Hope Fest. Normally I would […]
It’s Tuesday morning. Through the closed blinds on the living room window I can see a pink glow, evidence that a new day is already well underway. Today millions of Americans will watch as the king of pop is laid to rest in Los Angeles. They actually printed and distributed […]
Music from the Heart: Leaving Ninety-Nine by Audio Adrenaline This past weekend we (The River) hosted the second annual Hope Fest, a community missions outreach held at a local low-income apartment complex. In the final days of preparation, some of the ministry leadership began to sense that the turnout may […]
Music from the Heart: Glory Come Down by Jason Upton There are many things I could write about tonight, but only one thing is prevalent in my spirit at this late hour. The warfare in the heavenlies is intensifying. I have experienced this myself over the past few days, and […]
Yesterday a prayer was answered. It happened during the message at church. Our pastor was sharing on … truthfully I don’t recall all of it. There were two words he uttered that ignited something inside me. As he continued his message, I began to tune out, only half-listening. Okay, there […]
What a week! I found myself several times wishing I had a few moments to sit down and gather my thoughts in such a way as to present them here, but it simply did not happen. Here’s the condensed version of my week: At the OfficeIn addition to diligently plowing […]