We are currently in the Biblical month of Tammuz. As with every month on the Biblical calendar, Tammuz has certain characteristics that are unique to this month. One of those characteristics is that Tammuz is linked to the constellation Cancer – the crab. The constellations were set in place by […]
Recently I was sitting in the living room and during a quiet moment, I heard a single sentence whispered into my spirit: “There is depth in the heart of the Father.” As I pondered on this over the next few days, one thought kept resurfacing – how do we get […]
As I sit here asking the Lord to give me the words for this, I am reminded of something I heard once from a pastor about the real meaning of intimacy. The word can be broken down to read like this: into me see. Intimacy with the Father is something […]
It is not uncommon for the things that God is saying and doing in the supernatural to manifest in the natural world around us. Another such occurrence happened to me this morning.One of the things that has been rumbling around in my spirit in recent weeks has been that it […]
I was awakened at 1:30 AM this morning with a dream. It was night time, and we were alerted to a fire in the neighborhood (not where we currently live, but in a neighborhood somewhere in Austin). We somehow had access to some kind of an emergency scanner, which let […]
True confession: I am a planner. To a fault. I plan for all kinds of scenarios. When faced with almost any situation, I picture in my head how it might play out and I plan for how I will respond/react to that outcome. Then I pick another potential outcome and do […]
“How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalm 139: 17-18 These words and their meaning overtake me as they roll over in […]
I have a confession to make. I love Amy Grant music. The old stuff. I guess it’s mostly because it is part of the music I grew up on, and as much as I love current music, I do occasionally wax nostalgic and take great delight in listening to the […]
Sometimes I feel so close to Jesus that I can almost taste the sweetness in the air as His fragrance seems to permeate the air around me. Other times, I don’t feel Him quite so close, but must rely on the simple truth that He is faithful, and that even […]