Today I received a phone call from my dear friend, Wendy, who lives in another state. She said, “I have a question for you.” She then proceeded to tell me about a family (a single mom with six children) who had been displaced over the weekend by a fire in […]
Sometimes in the course of life, a word drops into my spirit. If I didn’t know any better, I would say it came from out of nowhere – but I know better. It is the voice of the Holy Spirit gently nudging me into a revelation. I have learned over […]
From my journal dated March 25, 2012 The waters returning to Lake Travis (Jonestown, Texas) From my vantage point under my new friend, the Old Oak Tree, the water at the bottom of the lake bed is now easily visible, and it is flowing. As the sun’s rays dance on […]
As I realize how much time has passed since I last posted, I am reminded of just how quickly life happens when we are looking the other way. The past few months have seen many changes, not the least of which is David and I being reunited in the same […]
True confession: I am a planner. To a fault. I plan for all kinds of scenarios. When faced with almost any situation, I picture in my head how it might play out and I plan for how I will respond/react to that outcome. Then I pick another potential outcome and do […]
God’s ways are not like our ways, of this there is no doubt. The harder pill to swallow, however, is that His timing is usually not like ours, either. I think that we are impatient creatures by nature and that patience does not occur naturally. None of us is born […]
I have a confession to make. I love Amy Grant music. The old stuff. I guess it’s mostly because it is part of the music I grew up on, and as much as I love current music, I do occasionally wax nostalgic and take great delight in listening to the […]
As we navigate this earth life, we are sometimes faced with circumstances and situations that challenge our resolve to continue in our pursuit of the dreams that the Almighty has placed within us. We encounter difficulties and trials, financial struggles, health issues, nay-sayers, and every sort of scheme the enemy […]
Music from the Heart: Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield A few years ago, three friends and I (the core leadership team of what is now The River Fort Smith, an outreach church), felt a pressing need to get away for a few days to refresh, recharge, reconnect. So the four us […]