The following is an article I posted in The Town Messenger Webzine (Published 4.13.12) With the weather warming up and Central Texas in full bloom, my inner outdoorsy girl has begun to emerge once again, and I am enjoying spending some portion of most evenings sitting outside just chillaxin’. My […]
Cool Stuff
3 posts
A friend posted a video this evening on Facebook. It is a YouTube video of the Opera Company of Philadelphia, along with over 650 other singers from 28 participating organizations, descended on a Macy’s store in Center City Philadelphia. Their purpose was to surprise the unsuspecting shoppers with a Random Act […]
In the summer of 2002, my husband and I moved from Austin, Texas to Fort Smith, Arkansas. It was a job transfer that brought us here, but it was the Lord who led us here. One of the first things we did was to begin searching for a church home. […]