Music from the Heart: What A Wonderful World by Kenny G & Louis Armstrong As the lazy hazy days of summer are making their rounds once again, I admittedly find myself at work some days wishing I was anywhere else. After pondering this a little more deeply, I have decided […]
10 Things
Tonight’s Music from the Heart: Rachael Lampa – Blessed With Thanksgiving being a week away, our thoughts are turned, naturally, to all the things that the holiday has come mean in our fast-paced modern culture; things like The Dinner (planning, shopping, cooking), travel, decorating, a few days off of work […]
Since I love this season so much, I thought I’d indulge myself with an additional 10 Things list to celebrate the season. The photo at left is that of a little guy who stands proudly in front of our house. Thank you in advance for bearing with me on this […]
It’s early October, and these are the first days of my absolute favorite season of the year – Autumn. I’m not sure exactly when I decided that Autumn was superior in my mind to every other season, but it was probably somewhere between ice-covered power lines and a peeling sunburn. […]
The sizzle of summer heat is not exactly on my top ten list of favorite things – I’m an autumn gal to the core. But in the interest of maintaining a positive outlook on the inevitable, I thought I would make a list of ten things I do like about […]
Today I am passing along a few philosophical questions posed by friends on facebook and adding a few of my own. These can be categorized as the things that make you go, “Hmmm.” Of course, whether the “Hmmm” refers to the actual question posed or to the thought processes of […]