I have a confession to make. I love Amy Grant music. The old stuff. I guess it’s mostly because it is part of the music I grew up on, and as much as I love current music, I do occasionally wax nostalgic and take great delight in listening to the […]
I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. Sometimes life just happens so fast that it’s all you can do to hang on and run with it – much less slow down long enough to write about it. Such has been the case for the past several […]
In a rare quiet moment of solitude this evening, I am unusually aware of the hand of God hovering, sensing blessing and favor lingering near. My heart is once again completely saturated by the overwhelming sweetness and staggering power of His presence. There are so many unanswered questions in my […]
As we navigate this earth life, we are sometimes faced with circumstances and situations that challenge our resolve to continue in our pursuit of the dreams that the Almighty has placed within us. We encounter difficulties and trials, financial struggles, health issues, nay-sayers, and every sort of scheme the enemy […]
Sometimes I feel so close to Jesus that I can almost taste the sweetness in the air as His fragrance seems to permeate the air around me. Other times, I don’t feel Him quite so close, but must rely on the simple truth that He is faithful, and that even […]
I read somewhere recently that trust and understanding rarely accompany one another. Truer words were never spoken. It seems recently that as I begin to engage in this next chapter of my life, the more I am learning to trust and the less I understand. The simple but deep revelation […]
After what seems like an eternity, I am finally sitting down to write again. Not that there has been any lack of material to write about. It’s just that sometimes life necessitates that we focus more of our attention on living it than writing about it. Such has been this […]
In the summer of 2002, my husband and I moved from Austin, Texas to Fort Smith, Arkansas. It was a job transfer that brought us here, but it was the Lord who led us here. One of the first things we did was to begin searching for a church home. […]
Music from the Heart: Welcome To Our World by Michael W. Smith It’s hard to believe it’s been nearly a month since I last posted. Needless to say the past several weeks have been crazy busy, which is why I have had little time so sit down long enough to […]