A RANDOM PONDERING: On Self Discovery Trying times reveal what is inside of us. When stress, crisis or trauma are present, they tamper with our ability to pretend we are more “together” than we actually are. The past month has been a series of health situations with both of my […]
It is not uncommon for me to wake in the morning (or in the middle of the night) with a song in my spirit, and recently it has been Christmas songs that have been rolling around inside me as I stumble from slumber to the world of wakefulness. One tune […]
True confession – I am not the most graceful person you will ever meet. Ever since I can remember, I have been prone to bumping into things and tripping over my own feet. Even as a young adult, it was not uncommon for me to notice bruises on my legs […]
In the interest of finding the humor in everyday experiences, I submit the following. It is an article I wrote a few years ago (originally titled It Could Happen to Anyone) that was published in The Town Messenger in July, 2010. Enjoy. It finally happened. I had heard of it […]
Sometimes it takes a serious or tragic situation to grab our attention and force us to examine our own lives and how prepared we are for the unthinkable. Such was the case for me this week. A young man who I went to church with years ago was killed in […]
Pets are a wonderful and enjoyable art of life, but don’t forget when a pet joins your family they also become your legal responsibility. While you might want to simply toss a Frisbee with Fifi, it’s important to first understand the legal requirements of pet ownership. LegalShield has created a […]
Today I received a phone call from my dear friend, Wendy, who lives in another state. She said, “I have a question for you.” She then proceeded to tell me about a family (a single mom with six children) who had been displaced over the weekend by a fire in […]
Sometimes in the course of life, a word drops into my spirit. If I didn’t know any better, I would say it came from out of nowhere – but I know better. It is the voice of the Holy Spirit gently nudging me into a revelation. I have learned over […]
It is not uncommon for the things that God is saying and doing in the supernatural to manifest in the natural world around us. Another such occurrence happened to me this morning.One of the things that has been rumbling around in my spirit in recent weeks has been that it […]