Music from the Heart: The Heart of Worship by Matt Redman Courtesy of an unusually crazy schedule the last few weeks, David and I have been missing each other like two ships passing in the night. So with today (Sunday) being the only day in several and in the foreseeable […]
While leading worship last night at The River, the lyrics to one of the songs seemed to call to me, beckoning me to pause and examine them more closely. Too often we sit in church and sing songs with powerful words but our minds and spirits are not really connecting […]
Music from the Heart: Speak to Me by Rebecca St. James Sometimes sleep escapes me. I can be physically wiped out and so ready for sleep I can almost taste it, but sleep and all its sweet, restorative powers can still slip through my fingers like water. Around 1 AM […]
Busy is as busy does. Okay, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, but I needed a catchy opening line for this not so spectacular posting. I really just wanted to make available for your viewing pleasure a short video comprised of photos from this year’s Hope Fest. Normally I would […]
It’s Tuesday morning. Through the closed blinds on the living room window I can see a pink glow, evidence that a new day is already well underway. Today millions of Americans will watch as the king of pop is laid to rest in Los Angeles. They actually printed and distributed […]
Enjoying a rare long weekend together, David and I took Sheba out on a little “mini adventure” the other day. David had no sooner grabbed her leash than she was waiting at the door, wagging her tail and ready to go. That dog loves to ride in the car. It […]
Music from the Heart: Deep In Love With You by Michael W. Smith From my journal (today’s entry): I’ve stayed home from church today in a desperate attempt to find some quality time at the feet of Jesus. I miss Him so much. Once again I have allowed so many […]
Music from the Heart: What A Wonderful World by Kenny G & Louis Armstrong As the lazy hazy days of summer are making their rounds once again, I admittedly find myself at work some days wishing I was anywhere else. After pondering this a little more deeply, I have decided […]
Music from the Heart: Leaving Ninety-Nine by Audio Adrenaline This past weekend we (The River) hosted the second annual Hope Fest, a community missions outreach held at a local low-income apartment complex. In the final days of preparation, some of the ministry leadership began to sense that the turnout may […]