Today I am passing along a few philosophical questions posed by friends on facebook and adding a few of my own. These can be categorized as the things that make you go, “Hmmm.” Of course, whether the “Hmmm” refers to the actual question posed or to the thought processes of […]
Our dog, Sheba, is recovering from a flying leap she took from the back of my husband’s truck a few weeks ago. Her injuries, while not critical, were somewhat serious, requiring all four feet to be bandaged while the resulting wounds are healing – I’ll spare you the gory details. […]
Okay, so it’s been over a month since I posted. No excuses. I simply haven’t taken the time. Since I last wrote, I celebrated my 40th birthday, and I have to say, I am really excited about this new season in my life. There was no dread in the days […]
Sheba is our dog. Her lineage is unknown, and there has been much debate as to her breed. We believe her to be part lab, but the other part(s) are the greatest subject of debate. We have been told that she carries the bloodline of everything from border collie (which […]
I broke out my sunglasses again yesterday for the first time since our little snow adventure last week. What a beautiful day yesterday was! The electricity was finally turned back on, although there are still a few hundred people in the dark today. Thankfully, we are not among them. The […]
Okay, so maybe for someone who lives in the northernmost regions of this great nation of ours, this isn’t cold, but for this Texas girl transplanted into the Arkansas River Valley, baby, it’s cold outside! Today is Saturday, and wow! How things change in a week! Last weekend, the temperature […]