Here Comes the Sun

I broke out my sunglasses again yesterday for the first time since our little snow adventure last week. What a beautiful day yesterday was! The electricity was finally turned back on, although there are still a few hundred people in the dark today. Thankfully, we are not among them.

The sun was warm and friendly yesterday, and I enjoyed every minute I spent in it. The snow has nearly completely melted away, and our dog, Sheba, spent most of the afternoon soaking up as much of the sun’s warmth as she could.

One of the sweetest sounds I heard yesterday was the rhythmic whirring of the washing machine as I ran the first load since the power outtage. There are so many things we take for granted, and I noticed as I was getting ready for work this morning how many of the commercials on tv were aimed at making me feel like I need more stuff to make my life complete. Well, I have been gently reminded this week that my life is already complete.

There is nothing that I could purchase or experience that could ever take the place of the precious people in my life – friends and family who love me, laugh with me (and at me), cry with me, and make my life richer by the day. And it goes without saying that my most intimate relationship, that with the Lover of my soul, my Creator King, could never be compared to anything this world could ever present to me.

Are there things I’d like to have or experience this side of eternity? Of course. But all in all, if I never own or experience any of those things, I can honestly say even now that I am bountifully blessed.

I think I’ll go outside now and experience a little sun-kiss. My cup runneth over.
