30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 21 – The Patience of God

I have been doing a little soul-searching the last few days, and as I was pondering my current situation and how I am responding to it, the Lord flashed a picture in my mind today (Monday). It was an image of the children of Israel in the desert, moaning about their circumstances and looking to a man (Moses) for relief, rather to the God of their fathers Himself. It was a silent visual message that spoke loud and clear of where my heart has taken a momentary step back as of late.


As I repented and discussed this further with Him, I saw how the Israelites followed a man (God’s man) into the wilderness for what was to be a short journey to their Promised Land, only to wander around in the desert for forty years as their inability and/or unwillingness to fully trust the Lord was exposed time and time again. They mumbled and complained, schemed and blamed when things did not go the way they thought they should.

Lord, cleanse my heart.

They relied on Moses to hear the voice of the Lord for them, when God Himself had summoned them to come up the mountain so He could reveal Himself to all of them; but their fear got in the way, and they sent Moses alone, settling for less than the intimacy the Lord had in His heart for them.

Lord, let Your perfect love remove all fear from every corner of my heart.

They doubted His ability to provide for their every need, then questioned the provision when it came in unusual ways from unexpected sources.

Lord, blast through my understanding and lead me by Your spirit.

Tonight I am thankful for the immense patience of my God, who repeatedly receives me as His child, working out His perfect plan within me. He walks with me, talks with me and continuously opens His arms to me every single time my heart falters. His love is unfathomable, and I am humbled to be the willing recipient thereof.

Love is patient …