30 Days of Thankfulness: Day 7 – Modern Technology

Today I am thankful for modern technology and the flexibility it affords in making it possible for employees to work from home – even a temporary one. As of today, I have been set up by my employer to work remotely. I like this because I can continue to be productive while we look for a place to live – not to mention the opportunity to work odd hours if necessary, since our routine is definitely more than a little upside down right now.
Added bonus: a welcome return to some sense of normalcy as I re-engage in some familiar daily tasks and responsibilities.

And lest I forget – the undeniable connectivity that social media provides, allowing the rapid spread of emergency needs and prayer requests. Facebook prayers for and by friends in other parts of the world have blessed me on many occasions.

Despite the use of technology for less than desirable purposes, it has proven to be a powerful ministry tool as well.

I feel like I am starting to ramble, so I will turn in for the night.

Blessings on you and yours.