Catching up on this new little endeavor – two posts today, then fully on track tomorrow with daily posts exploring the heart of thankfulness. Today we went back to “the scene.” David met with the City Inspector, and all four units have been condemned; no surprise there. The really cool […]
Yearly Archives: 2011
As Thanksgiving approaches at breakneck speed, I am emerging from my writer’s hibernation to launch a 30-day feature on being thankful. For the month of November, the matter at hand (and at heart) is thankfulness. I am starting a day late, but the reason involves the very reason for my […]
God is restoring what the enemy has stolen. Many years ago, a piece of recording equipment I had was stolen and pawned for drug money. By the time I tracked it down, it had already been sold by the pawn shop. The man on the phone said there was nothing […]
I have a Joyce Meyer perpetual calendar on my desk in my home office. As I glanced over to see what today’s little mini-devotional was about, I read the following words: Hurting people hurt people. This is a true statement. When we are hurting, it is much easier for us […]
As I realize how much time has passed since I last posted, I am reminded of just how quickly life happens when we are looking the other way. The past few months have seen many changes, not the least of which is David and I being reunited in the same […]
True confession: I am a planner. To a fault. I plan for all kinds of scenarios. When faced with almost any situation, I picture in my head how it might play out and I plan for how I will respond/react to that outcome. Then I pick another potential outcome and do […]