Since I love this season so much, I thought I’d indulge myself with an additional 10 Things list to celebrate the season. The photo at left is that of a little guy who stands proudly in front of our house. Thank you in advance for bearing with me on this […]
Monthly Archives: October 2008
I don’t typically delve into political matters in this arena, but tonight I am making an exception. The following is a posting that I made to my facebook page earlier this evening. I am listing it here for the reading pleasure of those who may not have facebook profiles and […]
I have a confession to make. I played hooky from church today. And I had an accomplice. First, an explanation. I’m entering into my busy season at work, which will involve long hours and a lot of travel, and my first trip is this week. In preparation for this trip […]
It’s Wednesday evening, and I am floating somewhere between being tired and being restless. Part of me is ready to call it a day and turn in early, and another part of me can’t shake the feeling that this day is not yet ready to let me go. What to […]
The River Fort Smith is an outreach church I have mentioned before. I am honored to serve alongside a team of gifted individuals from a variety of backgrounds, with a host of talents and giftings. The core leadership of this group happens to be all women. These are my co-laborers, […]
It’s early October, and these are the first days of my absolute favorite season of the year – Autumn. I’m not sure exactly when I decided that Autumn was superior in my mind to every other season, but it was probably somewhere between ice-covered power lines and a peeling sunburn. […]